- Quenching oils are also known as Heat Treatment oil. These oils are used to quench ( cooling ) hot components ( mainly ferrous ) at a desired and controlled environment to achieve certain molecular structure, which will exhibit predetermined properties or qualities.
In a simple word the quenching process is a process where the hot components are dipped in a quenching oil bath for a certain period of time to achieve a desired surface quality of the component.
Quenching oils are classified as
I.Fast Quenching oil
II.Medium quenching oil
III.Slow quenching oil
depending upon the cooling rates of the grade which can be ascertained by the cooling curve of the particular grade.
The grades in Express range are as follows:
I.Express MQ 18 – This is a Fast quenching oil with cooling rate up to 16 sec.
II.Express MQ 27 – This is a medium quenching oil with cooling rate up to 20 sec.
III.Express MQ 36 – This is a slow quenching oil with cooling rate up to 35 sec.
The above grades performance are as per IS: 2664-1980.