Royco® 43

Product Description: A lithium based grease system used for specific heterogeneous materials applications.

Specification: SAE – AMS – 4343

NATO Specification: G-392

Joint Service Designation: N/A


Shelf Life:

  • US Military       2 Years
  • Commercial     3 Years
  • NATO                3 Years

Tariff Code:  3403.99.0000

Material: Royco® Synthetic Ester Based Grease
Acrylonitrile Poor to Good
Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (Perbunan®) Fair to Good
Butyl rubber Poor to Fair
Flurocarbon (Viton®) Very Good
Methacrylate Poor to Fair
Natural rubber/latex Poor
Poly (ethylene) Good
Polyamine (Nylon) Poor
Polychloroprene (Neoprene® ) Poor
Polyester Poor to Fair
PTFE (Teflon® ) Very Good
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Poor
Silicone Poor to Fair
Styrene-butadiene or styene-butadiene rubber (SBR) or BunaS Poor

National Stock Number Grade Amount Container
9150-00-119-9291 2 oz. Tube
9150-00-269-8255 1.75 lb. Can

Synthetic Ester Based GreasePreservative Lubricating OilIndustrial LubricatingOils, purpose Lubricant